At The Gym
I went again today
To my gym;
An older man now,
Fingers clawing at youth,
Either nobly objecting to diminution,
Or foolishly,
A boat beating against the current.
I disrobed;
Glanced hopefully at the mirror;
Hoping for what
Little miracle?
But saw the same man there
Then again,
Perhaps I saw nothing
But memories.
I entered
The huge cathedral of hope
And began my rituals,
Giving agreeable greeting
Here and there
To hopeful comrades,
And receiving them.
No cigars,
Nor brandy
These days.
We grit, groan, grimace,
Then shower and poach,
Dry, dress, and dissolve back
Into our dispersed lives.
No sermons,
No hymns,
No pews
Any longer.
But the same questions
Still reside
Amongst us.