Becoming an Animist
Oddly, I was not myself this morning
On my pre-dawn walk with my dogs,
But became an animist, effortlessly
Assured of the spirits in the woods
All around me.
The spirit of the bear suffused
My mind from his vague profile
At the top of the small rise.
It was only the twisted branch
Of a fallen Ash waiting to rot,
But it could have been a bear in profile.
The hungry essence of the coyote,
The psychopath of these woods,
Trotted at a distance
Alerting my senses.
There was no sound,
But he is known for stealth.
The arch of maples and white pines
Offered me comfort
Like an arm over my shoulder,
Although I know this walk well.
I do not doubt these spirits
Are there, whispering to me.
I do not need to dismiss them
As the tricks of mind.
Although I am inclined towards science
And its great rational edifice.
I know other ways to apprehend
Also, and welcome them
On my early walk.