Walking at dusk,
We saw the moon
Beckoning us
From behind
Orange and grey puffs.
The moon glances
Suggesting intimacies
From her impossible distance.
Perhaps it’s due to
Her flirtatious peeking
From behind clouds.
Yet her eye is so
Wide and guileless
Like a baby’s.
Her gravities
Pull tides of
Feeling from my soul,
Some bittersweet old and
Impossible love
Beyond reach
Like songs of sirens.
What mysteries
Lurch within me
On these darkening
Does this rocky visitor
Know I am turning myself
Towards September?
She, as the moon must somehow be,
Tempts me with her magic:
Returning to fullness after
Expiring in ten million
Waneings and filling me
With that futile hope,
And leaves me gazing
While she drifts
Beyond mortal reach.