Old friends,
Old memories.
Recollections too faint to perceive clearly
Meander like leviathans
Beneath deliberate thinking.
I recognize you,
Or do I?
I knew you fifty years ago,
Or did I?
What I know
And don’t know
Contend for supremacy.
But neither prevails,
And the silhouettes circle
Down in my mind
Where I see imperfectly.
Come up;
Come up and visit me;
Or let me dive down to visit you.
But there is no means to penetrate
All those opaque years
While we drink our beer and tell our stories.
To know is precious;
And to be known,
Just as precious.
And here, with each other again,
We are both
Known and unknown
Looking, half-seeing,
Filled with quiet compassion for
Life’s great complexities.